Creating a new airline in a landscape with a lot of players means we can do things a bit differently. Connect Airlines is on the leading edge of smarter, greener travel with zero-emissions and  zero carbon technology adoption. With the planes we fly, the technology we use, and the operations we run, Connect will deliver a Smarter, quieter, and more sustainable travel experience.

Connect Airlines has committed to reducing emissions today and eliminating all CO2 emissions in the future, making us the first zero-emission American airline.
Connect Airlines, a division of Waltzing Matilda Aviation, has partnered with Universal Hydrogen to bring zero-emissions electric propulsion with high energy density and low weight hydrogen to scheduled air travel. It is one of many sustainability initiatives that recognizes and respects the world we live in today and keeps us focused on delivering a quieter, cleaner, and healthier travel experience for everyone.
We look forward to flying with you.
Connect, the future of smarter, greener travel.